Winter school Nonlinear dispersive waves: theory, numerics and applications

February 16-21, 2014

This winter school is concerned with the modeling of physical phenomena in which dispersion is predominant compared to other effects such as diffusion. Specific fields of applications are nonlinear optics, oceanography, hydraulics, and superfluidity. Mathematical and numerical issues include: determination and discretization of boundary conditions; propagation of interfaces; asymptotic models; qualitative properties of remarkable wave trains such as solitons, periodic waves like Stokes waves or roll waves, hydraulic jumps and tidal bores.

The program will consist of a series of mini-courses on the themes mentioned above, which will be intended for an audience of graduate students in applied mathematics or physics, a few, more specialized invited talks, some contributed talks.

Financial support

This winter school is also supported by:
ANR `Atelier de Réflexion Prospective: MATHématiqueS en INteractions pour la TERRE'
ANR JCJC Shallow Water Equations for Complex Fluids

Winter school Nonlinear dispersive waves: theory, numerics and applications

Where? Les Houches (Mont Blanc valley)  

Participants intending to travel by plane are advised to fly to Geneva, and then take a direct shuttle, to be booked in advance here.
Participants who will be arriving at the train station `Les Houches' are advised to book a taxi in advance. Telephone numbers of the 5 possible taxis are available from Sylvie Benzoni upon request.
Participants coming by car are requested to park their vehicule on the upper parking lot (see map on practical information). Please note that snow tire/chains are required to access the centre in the winter.
Please be aware that the École is quite far up in the mountain from the centre of the village. It is within walking distance though (about 20mns down, 40mns up).
Warm clothes and good shoes are highly recommended.

When? February 16-21, 2014.

Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday 16, at the École de Physique des Houches, which will be open at 3 p.m. A secretary will be present at 6 p.m. It is recommended not to arrive earlier than 3 p.m. In particular, there will be no lunch, and there are no restaurants nearby. The first meal that will be served is dinner.
All participants are requested to leave on Friday 21, right after lunch. For organizational reasons (cleaning and security), it is not possible to extend their stay at the École des Houches before February 16 or after February 21.
The detailed time schedule is being set up, and will be posted here soon. There will definitely be some free time in the afternoons.


This winter school is concerned with the modeling of physical phenomena in which dispersion is predominant compared to other effects such as diffusion. Specific fields of applications are nonlinear optics, oceanography, hydraulics, and superfluidity. Mathematical and numerical issues include: determination and discretization of boundary conditions; propagation of interfaces; asymptotic models; qualitative properties of remarkable wave trains such as solitons, periodic waves like Stokes waves or roll waves, hydraulic jumps and tidal bores.


The program will consist of
  • a series of mini-courses on the themes mentioned above, which will be intended for an audience of graduate students in applied mathematics or physics,
  • a few, more specialized invited talks,
  • some contributed talks.

For a tentative program, see here. There is some space for contributed talks: volunteers may contact Sylvie Benzoni.



Invited talks

Registration is now closed. For the list of registered participants, see here.